Monday, February 4, 2013

The House

When once I took a sorry stroll,
Saddned by a tale untold,
that dreary night in mid-November,
(Why I was there I can't remember),
While I stood there watching, waiting,
Waiting, watching, while debating,
Debating whether I should or not,
go home for a bun all nice and hot.

I decided no and proceeded on,
proceeding to a place now gone;
to find the house still there intact,
was quite a shock for me, alack!
I had hoped and pleaded with all my soul,
Pleading it be still not there my goal,
To see it there was troubling to my mind,
a mind that needed saneness, and things kind.

'Shall I proceed?' I asked myself,
'Should I proceed into this place of stealth,
Or turn back and attempt to forget?'
But before my mind was set,
I heard a hoot from an owl.
Looking up I saw the feathered fowl and scowled,
scowled at that annoying bird.
And there am I still, breathing not a word.
- I wrote this poem exactly 2 years ago. Well, I meant to post it Saturday, but I wasn't home all day. I like it so much that I felt that I should post it on my blog, and I was going to do so about a month ago, but realized I could pretend to have a reason by saying it was the 2 year anniversay/birthday whatever of when I wrote it. I've blown that obviously, but whatever.
Mommy decided that since it was Edgar Allen Poe's 203 birthday the day before class, her assignment for my creative writing class at SMA would be to write a 3 stanza poem with some of the same elements (e.g., onomatopoeias, alliteration, assonance, repetition, etc.) as "The Raven", by Mr. Poe. It was also supposed to have a creepy, somewhat scary feeling to it, like "The Raven".
This is what I came up with.

I cannot tell you why, but I am very proud of this poem. I just am. I have been proud of it for 2 years. Sometimes with my writing I think, "Oh, I should have done _______". But not with this.

If you haven't read "The Raven" yet, it is one of the best poems and probably my favorite (though I haven't thought about it much, but if you gave me 2 seconds to come up with my favorite, I'd say this). So here is a link to it: "The Raven" by Edgar Allen Poe.