Friday, March 15, 2013

Eucharist Poetry: New stanzas

Then the priest
Will say "Body of Christ"
Lifting You up high,
Towards my tongue,
I shall receive,
You, Oh Lord ,
In this Perfect Sacrament
Sacrament of the Altar.

I am munching,
 gnawing on, You now,
Blood and Body,
Soul and Divinity,
The Perfect Host that's You.

You institute this great great Sacrament,
On the day of Passover,
Your flesh, the new lamb
of the new covenant
replaces that of mortal goats,
Your blood, that of wine,
In the sacred rituals,
changed into something new,
A newer, sacred-er ritual,
Instituted by Christ,
Done in memory of You.

-. About the munching, gnawing part: I am not bloody. Seriously. It was not intended as such; the original Hebrew (or is it Greek?) word Jesus used in John 6 when He tells the people about the Eucharist literally means to gnaw, or to munch. 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Quick Note: My Writing Style

I realized that my writing style has emerged. Mommy said 2 years ago, that in starting this blog, if I wrote every day or every other day just a little, while experimenting, my writing style would emerge. That made no sense at the time. But I am noticing a pattern. At first, when I wrote poetry, each time it was different. But as I have picked it up this year again, unfailingly, if you go back to each poem, it is free verse, no set meter, rhyming scheme; it is really just as it comes. Oh, and short lines. Those are predominant. 

So my writing style is free verse poetry with short-ish lines. It is weird thinking back to "The House" and seeing how very different that is. I would never have thought that I would be a poet. Whenever I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, it was an author/writer. Of what? people would ask. Anything, the answer would come. 

But now it is seeming to be more poetry than anything else. It just comes naturally to me. I have a way with words, Mommy says. I guess that is poetically.


Also, it occurred to me to write a poem about the pope, maybe the papacy, the Vatican, some history... I think that will be like the Eucharist Poetry: a pamphlet-like piece of work, different styles, etc. 

Eucharist Poetry

O Lord, enter my heart,
Enter my heart so gently,
Enter with the aid of Sacraments,
the Sacrament of Eucharist.

The Sacrament of Eucharist,
Communion with Christ,
Never ending, never stopping,
Perfect join to You.

O Lord how I love,
When the priest will lift You up,
In silence I adore,
the Perfect Host of You.

You love me Lord,
That I know,
When I kneel in adoration,
adoring You in monstrance,
gold and silver, lifting You
up to Heaven,
Sweet smelling incense,
filling up my nostrils,
oh how I love You.

Prayers and prayers,
on my tongue,
begging to be released,
yet my mind unable to form words,
sits in awe, trying

trying to comprehend 

this Love,
this great great Love,
that would come down
for me, for me
in this Precious Form,
my heart knowing,
my mind resisting,
the knowledge my soul has.

Why, oh why,
Would you come down,
descend unto this bread,
this humble Form of exsistence,
Oh Creator of all,
when the priest,
as You
repeats Your words,
those holy, holy words
"This is My Body and My Blood
of the holy Covenant"
to be comsumed by me,
tainted, torn by sin;
the answer is for Love.

For love would you come thus,
To humble bread and wine,
to be with us, to live in us,
always, oh Lord Divine.

I thank You Lord, for this gift,
This great gift of Your Soul,
To join with mine,
to be with mine,
forever, ever, Lord.

- The odd capitalization was to put more emphasis on God, while detracting form other words. The long spaces between stanzas show a new "poem".

It was all written together, in about half an hour, but I could sort of sense slight differences between the way they were written and the subtle differences in style. I realized you have to have the right rhythm when you are reading it, because reading it over made me confused until I corrected my reading. Just experiment a little I guess on that matter.

This is a pamphlet of poetry for IMPACT for the Sacrament of Eucharist. Mommy told me to do a project by myself, without Architect A. The poems don't have individual names because, even though it is separate, it is sort of meant to be read together. Also, I've realized I'm a bit lazy when it comes to making names for poetry.

I have never before been able to really express myself in religious poetry before. But this came so naturally and simply to me. I am finding that even in prose, am I writing poetically. Such as then. And I think poetically, not prose-y, so it sort of feels like poetry is taking over my life, but I don't care.

Habemus Papam!

We have a pope! God bless Pope Francis from Argentina, formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, first non-European, Argentinian, and Jesuit pope, and the first pope who took the name Francis!

We love you Papa!

Sealed in Christ

A bishop's hands,
coming, stretching,
toward my face,
dripping with oil,
blessed to confirm,
peace and joy,
flooding my soul,
I am sealed in Christ,
the Spirit.

- I wrote this for an IMPACT project I am doing about Confirmation. Architect A is drawing a picture of a bishop confirming, and I am writing the text for the poster. And, seeing who I am, Architect A set me to also write a poem, which I probably would have done anyway.

I wrote this at co-op sitting outside on a rock, with nothing else to do. Everyone was in class and I had nowhere to go. I thought, "Oh, I'll write that poem". It came together in about the space of 5 minutes. Afterwards I felt very close to God, and rather joyful while I waited for Silly Sally to get out of class.

It is probably the shortest poem I have ever written. But it was done.