Then the priest
Will say "Body of Christ"
Lifting You up high,
Towards my tongue,
I shall receive,
You, Oh Lord ,
In this Perfect Sacrament
Sacrament of the Altar.
I am munching,
gnawing on, You now,
Blood and Body,
Soul and Divinity,
The Perfect Host that's You.
You institute this great great Sacrament,
On the day of Passover,
Your flesh, the new lamb
of the new covenant
replaces that of mortal goats,
Your blood, that of wine,
In the sacred rituals,
changed into something new,
A newer, sacred-er ritual,
Instituted by Christ,
Done in memory of You.
-. About the munching, gnawing part: I am not bloody. Seriously. It was not intended as such; the original Hebrew (or is it Greek?) word Jesus used in John 6 when He tells the people about the Eucharist literally means to gnaw, or to munch.